Practise make a man perfect is only the motto of CET (Competitive Exam Trainer),an online study portal which provides you online mock test and study materials for all competitive Exams Such as Bank,SSC,Insurance,Railway Etc. Before appearing for any exams,aspirants are advised to attend 100+ online mock tests to improve their speed without giveup accuracy.Tests we provide are prepared by Competitive Exam Winners and our Team of 20+ members who have experienced knowledge on particular Exams.So surely CET will be the best Online test portal for Candidates to get placed.To start your practice
SERVICESEvery year Institute of Personal Selection (IBPS) recruit officers and clerks in Public Sector Banks and the mode of examination is online.Govt banks such as SBI, RBI,NABARD,IPPB and private banks also offers recruitment services periodically to fill their vacancies. To start your practice
Staff Selection Commission conducts various exams to recruit for various Group A, Group B, Group C, Group D Posts in various ministries, departments and organizations which provide you a job security with a good salary, perks, and many other benefits after completing your 10th, 12th and graduation.To start your practice
The insurance sector offers the recruitment service to fill AAO (Assistant Administrative Officer), ADO (Apprentice Development Officer) and Assistant positions in LIC,GIC,AIC, New India Assurance , United India Insurance,Oriental Insurance & National Insurance. To start your practice
Indian Railway, one of the largest rail network in the world and recruits large number of personnel in various cadres. Staff are classified into gazetted ( Group A & B ) and non gazetted ( Group C & D )employees. The recruitment of C & D,employees on the Indian Railway is done through 19 RRB are controlled by Railway Recruitment Control Board (RRCB).To start your practice